(10) Ocean’s Breakfast Club

The last few weeks have been mainly taken up with dissertation work, but now that my first draft is all done and handed in, I can finally get back to what I love most about this year…the freedom to just edit…everything and anything I want. I love it.

At the moment I’m working on my mashup trailer of Ocean’s Eleven and The Breakfast Club, a strange sounding mix I know…but the results are pretty funny. As I’m sure I’ve discussed before, I’m using the audio from The Breakfast Club trailer, and mashing it with the video from Ocean’s Eleven. It’s not as weird as it sounds, I promise, and the characters line up pretty well. The main challenge is syncing their mouths to make it look like they’re saying something totally different from what they actually are!

This is my progress so far…I hope to have it finished by the end of tomorrow. I want to take my time and get it perfect before I move onto the next part of my project, a compilation Action trailer (I think).

Ocean's Breakfast Club (as of 08/02/11)

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