30 Countries Before 30

Yep, you’ve guessed it. I want to travel to 30 countries before I’m 30. Was it the title that gave it away?

I’m not usually about the numbers, or the how many’s, but the other day I got to thinking about just how many places I’ve actually visited and how many more there are left in the world that I haven’t even come close to setting foot on. I found an app called ‘Been‘ which is pretty cool and lets you easily select the countries you’ve been to in each continent. Once you’re finished, it does some special maths and works out what percentage of each continent and of the world as a whole you have actually visited. According to this app I’ve been to 26 countries (if you don’t count the UK as a whole), which is 10% of the world and it splits up like this:

Africa – 3%
1. Ghana
2. Mauritius

Asia – 11%
3. Cambodia
4. Laos
5. Malaysia
6. Singapore
7. Thailand
8. Vietnam

Europe – 19%
9. Austria
10. Belgium
11. England
12. France
13. Germany
14. Greece
15. Iceland
16. Italy
17. Netherlands
18. Scotland
19. Switzerland

North America – 9%
20. Barbados
21. Canada
22. Cuba
23. USA

Oceania – 14%
24. Australia
25. Fiji
26. New Zealand

been world map countries
My world map according to ‘been’

So while I’m not really a numbers person and I definitely don’t travel just to boast about how many countries I’ve been to, it’s quite nice to be able to see it there in black and white (or rather grey and orange) right in front of me. It show me just how many countries I still HAVEN’T been to yet. And that is so exciting! I’ve got 5 more years to do 4 more countries if I want to reach my goal of 30 before 30, and I’m thinking it shouldn’t really be too difficult. I live a nomadic lifestyle with no ties to any particular place, so (funds depending) I can pretty much pack up and go wherever and whenever I like. And I love that about my life!

I’ve got a few ideas of where I want to go next, and there’s a very long list of trips I want to take, but for the immediate future I’ll just let you know that I’m thinking Africa…a lot of it. Follow along with my travel plans on my twitter feed, where I’ll be using the tag #30before30 for any planning related posts.

Where do you think I should go next?

5 thoughts on “30 Countries Before 30

  1. Oh, so you should totally just take out Europe?!
    Like get a Eurorail pass, and just cruise through all of the countries on the other side.. I’m 100% thinking of doing it this summer.. But I’m so overwhelmed about trying to choose 10 countries its sort of stressing me out. A LOT.
    I love you xxxx

    1. Yeah Europe is defs in the plans…would love to do it one summer, but I’ve spent the last 3 summers working at camp. one day!

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